
In my practice I specialize in Past-life and Life Between Lives spiritual therapies.


Regression is the experience of going back to an earlier time and Past-life Regression (PLR) involves the re-experiencing of a previous lifetime or, if you prefer, a deeply embedded unconscious emotional memory that has nothing to do with your current life.

Past-life therapy (PLT) is PLR used for emotional and spiritual healing. Past Life therapy sessions often include additional steps, such as visualizing healing energies, contacting higher beings, or communicating with past-life characters.

How intense is the experience?

Regression can be a very vivid and realistic experience involving two or more of your senses. At other times, regression can be more subtle, involving relatively vague images and feelings. Usually, you can expect to access enough information to allow for an interesting and useful experience.

A mild past life experience can be attained often just using two very simple regression techniques – the affective or feeling bridge and the linguistic bridge.

For example, if you simply close your eyes and bring back to your living memory a strong feeling of anger, jealousy, fear, panic, etc and the therapist gently asks you to “Go back to the first time you felt this feeling”, or “Let these feelings take you back to another time when you felt the same feelings…you’re there now!” you may often find yourself reliving a past life emotional imprint which had originally caused the feeling.

Similarly, we often repeat certain phrases that emotionally sum up how we’re feeling, like “I’m drowning”, “I’m never going to say anything again!”, “Don’t hurt me anymore!” or “I’m not allowed to speak out”. If the therapist asks you to keep repeating that emotional bridging statement again and again, these emotionally charged repetitions are generally enough to get the client back to a previous incarnation where these feelings were originally experienced.

Many people do enjoy a vivid experience the first time. Others will typically get some impressions — some images, thoughts or feelings — which can lead to a fuller past-life experience in a later session.

During a regression will I experience only the actual events of a past life?

These regressions can include any combination of memory, imagination, and psychic experience. The “memory” component can blend accurate recall of a specific past life with other images — for example, personal present-lifetime memories, as well as memories of scenes from movies.

“Pure” recollection of past lives is not necessary for healing and personal growth. Recent research reveals that even present-lifetime memories are, to various degrees, frequently mixed up with each other and distorted by emotions and attitudes. Discovering the essence of the emotional story which surfaces during a regression, and at least a few important details which help bring the story into focus, is the prime focus of a past life regression.


“Life Between Lives” (or “LBL”) refers to our existence as souls between physical lifetimes. People who have near-death experiences (NDEs) report a journey to another level of existence. Frequently they describe entering a beautiful light and discovering tremendous love and peace. They frequently report reviewing the life they have just left, and meeting with loved ones and guides.

Other people begin to revisit this between-lives state during past-life regression. They may recall planning their next life and choosing goals of learning and achievement for that lifetime. Many of us can benefit from accessing these experiences while we are still in our physical bodies.

This can be a fascinating and enriching experience, bringing greater clarity, perspective and understanding. You might emerge from LBL sessions with a clearer sense of your life purpose: the learning and development you are here to achieve, the creations you plan to manifest on this Earth, and the love and specific benefits you can give to others.

LBL regression: basics

In life-between-lives regression, you can revisit experiences you had before your present lifetime, as a soul without a physical body. The easiest way to access the between-life state is to regress through hypnosis to an earlier past life. The LBL-trained therapist can then help you move to the very end of that lifetime. From here, it is usually possible to explore the process of leaving the body, preparing to move on, and ultimately moving on to a higher plane of existence.

Often we can explore these experiences in some detail. Clients frequently report meeting friends, family members, guides and other beings and having a variety of enjoyable as well as serious, learning-oriented experiences.

In addition to remembering what happened in a previous between-life state, you can also have new experiences during an LBL session. You can meet with friends, family, guides and others on a higher place “NOW.” You may receive spiritual guidance, answers to some of your questions, and an assessment of how well you are progressing on your spiritual path so far. The information you receive apparently depends on the decision of your guides and teachers on this higher plane, and the degree to which you are ready and able to receive their messages clearly

People who have this kind of spiritual experience see a universal consciousness that is not indifferent to the actions and fates of human beings.”

Michael Newton, Memories of the Afterlife

Past life regression therapy sessions

What does an LBL session involve? 

Typically, after some initial conversation and perhaps an interview with the therapist, he would guide you into a deeply relaxed, hypnotic state. You would remain awake and aware and able to communicate easily with your facilitator. He might guide you back through earlier times in your present life, perhaps even back to the womb. Usually, he would then guide you back to a previous lifetime and the end of that lifetime, then track with you the process of leaving your past-life body and all that follows. You may be guided to specific aspects of the LBL experience, such as meetings with other souls for recreation, reviewing your previous lifetime, or planning a future incarnation.

Is LBL regression for everyone?

Not necessarily. It is quite valuable to have at least one, and preferably more, past-life regression (PLR) sessions first. These sessions will help you determine if you are ready for regression hypnosis in general. Some individuals will need practice, or a greater level of calm, before they are ready. Also, as I mentioned previously, you would probably be entering the life between life state from a past life, so it’s best if you already have the experience of revisiting a past life and are ready to focus on the next level.

The age factor 

According to Michael Newton, people under 30 are often blocked by their spirit guides from gaining certain information — often relating to their life goals — through LBL regression. (There are exceptions.) Perhaps we need to live “in the dark” through certain phases of our development in order to learn and grow in specific ways. Later, we can use increased clarity about our life purpose to learn and grow further and make our main contributions to the world.

Although that being said, I have personally facilitated tremendously profound LBL sessions with a variety of younger clients in their twenties who were spiritually unfolded to a mature degree and already inwardly prepared for the encounter.


While it is obvious that it’s impossible to undergo any deep trance-work over skype, it is a wonderful magic mirror to therapeutically treat clients who cannot come in for a personal session. Indeed, even deeper unconscious patterns can be revealed in light trance work and trusting Higher Self guidance without the need to enter into the more prolonged aspect of deeper trance work.

I have personally worked with dozens of clients from around the world utilizing the intimacy of skype interfacing with tremendous success. I even have several long-term clients who actually prefer to open to transformational therapy in the relaxed coziness of their own home rather than come to a nearby clinic. For further information about skype sessions or clinical sessions in Perth, contact Robert at transformationaltherapy@hotmail.com or call #0423 946 727 in Perth, Australia.

Click here to read more about LBL and for a sample journey.

Click here to book a session.